The Wasteland Caverns - Inside the jagged mountains that cover Signus’s frozen wasteland lies a sprawling cave network that teems with the life of plants and animals alike that seek refuge from the cold surface of the area.Progression here is simple, but the overlook is also home to many of the Traevonni Wasteland’s predators. The Overlook - At the top of the cliffside where Samus has chosen to explore lies a flat, snowy, field.Occasionally, ruined Traevonni structures and streams of water can be seen.
The Cliffside - Along the cliffside of the mountains lies a series of nearly impassable routes and jumps.Many of these structures have collapsed, but the few that remain maintain enough power to provide basic heating, lighting, and operating functions. Traevonni Research Outposts - Within the wasteland lies a series of weathered grey towers.The sub-areas for the Traevonni Wastelands include Acquiring their traits and navigating the difficult platforms are essential for progression in this area.

It is highly difficult to proceed through the Traevonni Wastelands, but its denizens have adapted to navigate the treacherous area. Furthermore, the primary sources of light within the Traevonni Wastelands are moonlight of Signus’s two moons, Renor and Gezen, some bioluminescent life, and the remaining artificial light sources from failing Traevonni structures. However, the landscape is not completely frozen because fresh snow, mountain rocks, and rivers can be located throughout the area. As a result, it is a cold region of Signus that is predominantly covered in ice that has long since frozen over into the jagged, nearly impassable mountainous formations that cover its landscape. The Traevonni Wastelands is on the side of Signus that never faces the planet’s sun. The Traevonni Wastelands is the first area that Samus can explore and it is tied with Umbris Expanse as the second largest area. These areas are, the Traevonni Wastelands, Javax Bunker, Umbris Expanse, Ember Labyrinth, Signus Archives, and Signus Gateway. Metroid Synthesis takes place on a tidally locked planet called Signus with six different areas to explore.